Dr. Francesc Figueras. Presenta: Dr. Marcelo Leguizamón.
Sábado 25 de abril. 14 horas.
Actualizaciones, situación en hospitales y mitos.
Dr. Pablo Bonvehí.
Viernes 24 de abril. 18 horas.
Comisión de Infecciones asociadas a los Cuidados de la Salud y Seguridad del paciente.
Autores: Wanda Cornistein, Angel Colque, Ines Staneloni, Yanina Nuccetelli, Analia De Cristofano, Daniela Santonato
As of 21 April, over 100 countries have joined the Solidarity Trial to evaluate therapeutics for COVID-19. The trial will compare four treatment options against local standard of care, to assess their relative effectiveness against COVID-19.
The urgent need for a COVID-19 vaccine underscores the pivotal role immunizations play in protecting lives and economies. Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, marking the European Immunization Week 2020, stressed ‘we must not, especially now, let down our guard on immunizations’. WHO and UNICEF have released a joint statement to mark European Immunization Week 2020.
Este jueves a las 19:30 hs. te esperamos en nuestras redes sociales para participar de este webinar: "COVID19 - Sesión conjunta"
Organizado por Círculo Médico de Córdoba, SOCIEDAD DE INFECTOLOGIA DE CORDOBA y SADI. Libre y gratuito.
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WHO has provided over US$ 400 000 dollars of medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region of Iraq to support response efforts in fighting COVID-19.